1 min readMar 20, 2021
- Spring: Release Beta with GraalVM also with Spring Data JPA: https://spring.io/blog/2021/03/11/announcing-spring-native-beta
- All big projects “Monoliths” which are not good modularized are always very painful to support and maintain… my experience… and this is technology / framework independent. I have seen a Java project which is written in COBOL style 😂
- GWT is very cool. Complex? It just a compiler / transpiler nothing complex. Take a look at this simple Calculator example: https://lofidewanto.medium.com/web-browser-programming-in-java-e69a153fcb15. It depends on what you are doing. If you try to use 3 JavaScript frameworks Vue.js, React and Angular in one index.html it will be also not so easy. And this is very cool: Quake 2 on browser just transpiled from Java to JavaScript with GWT / J2CL: https://j2cl-quake.colinalworth.com/quake2/ Enjoy playing Quake 2 😉👍
- Also take a look at this Java implemented game… With GWT / J2CL you just transpiled it to JavaScript and now you can play it on browser: https://github.com/lofidewanto/MyFirstGWTApplication